Saturday, 26 June 2010

Immunisation Information

The following information will be required when visiting your GP for immunisation advice:

Continent – Asia
Country – Malaysian Borneo (Sabah)

Remember, Borneo is made up of 3 parts. You must say you are going to Malaysian Borneo and mention Sabah.

Camping in basic jungle shelters/lodges (during jungle orientation)
Youth hostels (for the rest of the trip)


Jungle orientation
SCUBA diving - Semporna

NHS immunisation advice was given in the expedition leaflet you received at Training Day 2. I recommend you take this leaflet with you when you visit your GP.

You should also check the following website for additional information:

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Training Walk - September 2010

The link teachers are organising a training walk in the Dunkeld area to help prepare for our jungle-trek in Borneo. Our aim is to have all group members walk approximately 10 km carrying your own fully packed rucksack!

The only available dates for these walks are Saturday 4 September and Sunday 12 September 2010.

Unfortunately the Alton Towers trip coincides with one of these dates and there are 9 of us who are taking part in both trips. Having looked at the list for Alton Towers, everyone except Miss A, Ian and Mark are in group 2. Therefore, the best way to organise the training walk will be:

 Group 2 – Saturday 4 September
 Group 1 – Sunday 12 September

If anyone has any problem with the date they have been allocated, please see me asap.

More information about the training walk will be given at our next group meeting on Tuesday 29 June at 1.15 pm. Attendance is essential.

Follow-up from TD2

Can anyone who has not yet handed in a photocopy of your passport (details page), 2 passport photo's (with your name on the back) or the Parent/Guardian Consent Form (issued on TD2) please do so by Friday 25 June. If need be, you can scan and print a copy of your passport in room 132.

Thank you.

Next Group Meeting

A reminder that the next Borneo group meeting will take place on Tuesday 29 June at 1.15 pm in room 132.

175 Club - May Winner

The winner of £20 is ticket number 67 – Alisdare M Bruce (pupil contact is Laing Croll).

Congratulations and many thanks for supporting our fund raising efforts for Borneo.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Training Day 2 - Change of Start Time

A reminder that Training Day 2 will take place on Thursday 10 June in the school assembly hall. Please note that the start time for this event has changed to 2.00 pm.

The training is due to finish at 7.00 pm and you must attend the entire session. Parents/guardians are invited to attend from 5.00 pm to hear a presentation given by the Expedition Leader and Outlook facilitator.

Please remember to bring:
> Passport photocopy x 1
> Passport photo x 2 (with name on the back of each)