Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Mobile Phone Policy

It was stated at the last Parents' Meeting that pupils were not allowed to take mobile phones with them on this expedition.

We wish to restate this policy and explain our reasons for leaving phones behind.

1. Security - we cannot guarantee the security of pupils' mobile phones whilst away on a school trip - especially on an expedition such as our one to Borneo. Theft or loss of a phone is highly likely and therefore it is better to leave them at home.
2. Signal - it is very likely that in the more remote parts of Borneo where we will be, there will simply be no signal.
3. Emergency contact - yes, this is important but our leaders will carry satellite phones which will receive signal anywhere and a school mobile will be carried by Miss Anderson for contact in cities etc. Essential information can be passed on to parents by Outlook Expeditions if there should be a delay and our phones are not receiving a signal.
4. Protection of Young People - unfortunately nowadays, phones with cameras are often used to post inappropriate images on the internet or to share the photos with other people. Whilst we are sure that such misuse will not occur on our trip, we are not prepared to take the risk.

We hope you understand our reasons for banning mobile phones on our trip and that you and the pupils going on the trip will respect our instructions and leave their phones at home.

Insurance of Personal Possessions

The insurance that we have through Campbell Irvine Direct will cover us for all aspects of the expedition that are included within our itinerary.

You were advised earlier to ensure that you do not take any items of significant financial or sentimental value with you to Borneo. I would like to reinforce that advice as personal possessions are not covered by the trip insurance. Any item such as an iPod that is lost on the trip would have to be claimed through your parents' home contents insurance - you may wish to ask them to check what cover you have for items which are lost out of the country.

The bottom line is - do not take anything of significant value away with you but more importantly do remember that it is your responsibility to look after all your possessions at all times.

I would also like to reiterate that if a member of our expedition group has a medical concern that was pre-existing and not declared to the insurer before our departure, they may not be covered. If you are concerned about this or your medical circumstances have changed since the original application, you MUST contact Campbell Irvine directly on the number below.

Campbell Irvine Insurance "Medical Screening Helpline"
Enquiries on additional cover or pre-existing conditions -
0844 826 2686

Code of Conduct

At the Parents' Night on Wednesday 1st September, a code of conduct will require to be agreed to and signed by both pupils and parents. We will leave the bulk of the items for you to read in the document on Wednesday evening but we want to highlight three items through this blog and draw them to your attention. We think that they will be pretty obvious to you and will come as no surprise.

Firstly, we are travelling on this expedition as a group under the care and responsibility of the staff of the school and the leaders from Outlook Expeditions. Pupils will not at anytime go off by themselves or as a small group. Staff must know at all times where people are and what they are doing.

Secondly, there will be no smoking or carrying of tobacco products on this trip. The rules of our school extend to this trip.

Thirdly, there will be no consumption of alcohol or illegal substances on this trip. Again, school rules apply to our trip.

We hope that you understand our reasons behind these rules, and the other ones in the Code of Conduct. Like you, we all want this trip to be highly successful.

Parents' Evening

The final Parents' Evening before we leave for Borneo will take place on Wednesday 1st September 2010 at 7.30 pm in the Library. This will allow us to pass on the final arrangements for the trip and get the necessary documentation completed. There will also be an opportunity to ask any last minute questions! It is essential that you and at least one parent/guardian attend this event.

Next Group Meeting

A reminder that the next Borneo group meeting will take place on Wednesday 25 August at 1.15 pm in room 132.

PADI Open Water Theory Dates

A reminder that we have to complete approximately 8 hours of scuba-diving theory before we leave for our trip. We have arranged to cover this in 3 sessions. The dates for these are as follows:

* Wednesday 1st September 2010 - 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm
* Tuesday 7th September 2010 - 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm
* Thursday 16 September 2010 - 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

All lessons will take place in the school Library. Attendance is essential.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Next Group Meeting

A reminder that the next Borneo group meeting will take place on Wednesday 18 August at 1.15 pm in room 132.