Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Code of Conduct

At the Parents' Night on Wednesday 1st September, a code of conduct will require to be agreed to and signed by both pupils and parents. We will leave the bulk of the items for you to read in the document on Wednesday evening but we want to highlight three items through this blog and draw them to your attention. We think that they will be pretty obvious to you and will come as no surprise.

Firstly, we are travelling on this expedition as a group under the care and responsibility of the staff of the school and the leaders from Outlook Expeditions. Pupils will not at anytime go off by themselves or as a small group. Staff must know at all times where people are and what they are doing.

Secondly, there will be no smoking or carrying of tobacco products on this trip. The rules of our school extend to this trip.

Thirdly, there will be no consumption of alcohol or illegal substances on this trip. Again, school rules apply to our trip.

We hope that you understand our reasons behind these rules, and the other ones in the Code of Conduct. Like you, we all want this trip to be highly successful.

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